
Ismerd meg a nem etikus marketing jeleit, hogy szakmabeliként elkerülhesd ezek használatát!

Signs of unethical marketing: How to recognize them

It must be admitted that, unfortunately, the prestige of marketing as a profession is a matter of debate. This is due, among other things, to unethical marketing moves or the practice of an unfair entrepreneurial culture. It is therefore a shared responsibility of all of us to clear the name

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Tisztább képet adunk arról, hogy miért érdemes auditálni, és hogyan tudod az audit által hatékonyabbá tenni a folyamataidat.

An audit could save your business

In these times of crisis, it is particularly important to review your processes. To make sure that everything is working properly and cost-effectively. And to get a full audit, it is highly recommended that you contact a marketing professional or even an online marketing agency as their audit can help

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A színpszichológia kimondja, hogy a színek hatással vannak az érzelmeinkre és a döntéseinkre egyaránt, így jelentősége megkérdőjelezhetetlen a neuromarketing terepén.

The power of colour psychology in the world of neuromarketing

Colours influence our emotions, our choices and even our buying habits, as each shade evokes different associations. And these associations can be very varied. We can relate to them depending on the cultural background and the personal experiences. The impact of colour psychology in neuromarketing is such an exciting and

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Összeszedtük azokat a pontokat, amelyek figyelembevételével kiválaszthatod a számodra ideális online marketing ügynökséget.

How to choose an effective online marketing agency

In the world of online marketing, choosing the right marketing agency or professional can be key to the success of your business. We are currently going through a period of crisis, which can affect the budget you spend on online marketing. At a time like this, businesses are being more

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Online marketing in times of crisis

4 years ago, I wrote my last blog post on crisis topics and unfortunately, the time has come again. At that time, COVID put businesses, and people in general, in a difficult situation. Now, because of an economic crisis, we entrepreneurs are thinking, calculating, and planning again & again. Naturally,

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We are now withdrawing 900,000 HUF from your account

Online data protection during the holiday season (too) You’ve just stretched after the challenges of the autumn months, but here comes the most prominent sales period of the year: Christmas. The increased sales intention and demand are equal to maximizing your online marketing activity. As this toolkit is necessary to

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Sustainable marketing for the future

The title may suggest otherwise, but this is not one of those posts about green and environmentally conscious communication. The global crisis has made it necessary to rethink business and marketing strategies. However, few realize that the decline in consumption and the breakdown of the current system can strengthen new

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The art of excellence in online marketing

The secrets of creative content creation Creative content creation is often seen as an unattainable goal. A Holy Grail in the world of online marketing: everyone desires it, but it seems out of reach. However, creating imaginative content is not a matter of innate talent, and creative thinking can be

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5 important marketing tasks during the summer off-season

In certain industries, summer is a true off-season, when hardly anything happens. Everyone is on vacation, there are no inquiries or orders, and business life almost grinds to a halt. But a good entrepreneur and a good online marketing professional or agency doesn’t sit back. At times like these we

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Tiktok marketing: Insights from an online marketing agency

TikTok is a global-scale creative community that has explosively conquered the world. Visiting its homepage, we can read: “TikTok is the leading platform for short-form mobile videos. Our mission is to unleash creativity and bring joy.” This concept has worked so well for them that the app, now with a

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