Do you need Google and Facebook dynamic remarketing?

If you use social media, you cannot avoid encountering remarketing ads, as you probably regularly see ads for websites you have previously visited. This is Google and Facebook dynamic remarketing!

How important is this tool for your business? How soon should you ask the PPC specialist at your digital marketing agency to set it up? It is important to know that 96% of visitors leave websites without converting (not making a purchase, not using the service, not signing up). So only 4% or even fewer website visitors will be immediate buyers.

With remarketing, you can connect with people who have previously interacted with your website. Whether the goal is to increase brand awareness, sales, or the number of registrations, it can help in all cases. On the Google Ads interface, you can use your remarketing lists on both the search and display networks.

What is dynamic remarketing and how does your digital marketing agency use them?

The Tirendo online tire and wheel retailer company, thanks to the remarketing lists used on the search network, was able to increase its conversion rate by 161%, resulting in a 22% increase in traffic. With dynamic remarketing, you can expect much faster growth!

Remarketing campaigns can be the most profitable campaign types if you use them wisely.

As the examples show, you miss out on a huge revenue source if you don’t try to re-target these potential buyers – that is, if you don’t take advantage of the opportunities in remarketing. However, there is an even more complex and precise method to reach those who are interested in your business, and that is none other than dynamic remarketing.

This type of PPC marketing allows you to automatically re-target those people who have viewed your specific products or services on your website by showing them the same product in the advertisement. Of course, you can also ask your digital marketing agency to create separate remarketing ads for each of your target audiences with individual products or product groups manually, but it is worth trying dynamic remarketing as well.

Why is Google and Facebook dynamic remarketing good?

You can target potential buyers with much more personalized ads. This ad helps in finding potential customers by bringing back previous visitors to your website to complete what they started, be it an order, purchase, or even a quote request. You also have the opportunity to target separately those people who put your products in the cart, as well as those who have only visited the product subpages.

The world’s largest online-only sports apparel and equipment retailer, Netshoes, experienced a 30-40% increase in revenue during the Christmas season with the help of dynamic remarketing. Sierra Trading Post, a company that sells outdoor equipment and outerwear, was able to increase conversions fivefold with it compared to a general remarketing campaign. At Bebê Store, after launching the campaign, total conversions increased by 10% in the first quarter.

You can achieve these positive results with your potential buyers in a short period of time if you create such ads with careful attention, or ask your digital marketing agency to do so.

Who do we recommend dynamic remarketing to?

Remarketing is worth using for almost every business, but the situation is a bit more specific. Before you start, it’s worth considering how relevant it is for your own business to use this function of online marketing.

It can be tried in many different businesses, but there are a few areas where it is definitely worth deploying for success:


Airline tickets

Hotels and rentals


Local offers

Real estate



To provide some more specific examples, we definitely recommend dynamic remarketing if:

1. You have a webshop

If you have a webshop, you should definitely start using this tool, as you can double your revenue. It doesn’t matter how many products or services your website offers, it covers the entire site. There are already more and more types of webshops where you can relatively easily create dynamic remarketing, but even with unique webshops, there are methods to create these ads – just ask your digital marketing agency.

2. You have a wide range of products or services

It is worth using dynamic remarketing even if your company has many products or services. For example, travel agencies, schools, or real estate agencies can also use this opportunity very well. If your product range is a bit complicated, you don’t have to target each product separately, as you can create ads at the product group level.

You can use dynamic remarketing ads on the Google Display Network, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger.

Setting this up is much more complicated than standard remarketing, but once you’re done, or once your digital marketing agency has done it, you’ll definitely feel that the time and effort invested were worth it.

Does your business need dynamic remarketing?

If the answer is yes, and you don’t want to get lost in the details of installation and campaign building, then contact your online marketing agency or us to increase your revenue as soon as possible!


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