33 online marketing tips for Christmas

The Christmas season can be a great opportunity to boost your sales and deepen the relationship between your brand and customers. Also, acquire new customers who will return to you in other times of the year. We give you 33 unbeatable online marketing tips for your Christmas season.

According to Facebook surveys, the peak of the Christmas rush is in November. 52% of smartphone shoppers already starting to shop in late October and November. To succeed, it’s worth thinking about a few things in advance, planning the steps precisely, and then executing the plan precisely.

What will your Christmas offer be like this year?

You don’t have to give up on a great Christmas offer even if you can’t dress up your product in a Christmas outfit with a few clever moves. Think about how you can make the selected product or service offer special!

You can offer additional products as gifts and/or upsells. These can be products that are closely related to the main product. For example those necessary for a more comfortable, effective use. This time you can give them away as gifts or at a discounted price. Think a colored pencil set for coloring, a leather care product for winter shoes. Or a box of Christmas tea for a mug, and so on. You can also choose to offer something loosely related to the main product but carriing a strong Christmas atmosphere. Like some Christmas massage oil for relaxation, Christmas candy, or a Christmas recipe collection. In this case, you need to make sure that this product appeals to the target audience and is attractive to them.

Finally, make the ordering and purchasing conditions favorable! Offer gift wrapping which can even be an upsell offer. Or add free shipping, and ensure that the product can be exchanged after the Christmas period if necessary.

Who will you offer your Christmas offer to? How will you present it to them?

Do you want to surprise your most loyal customers with a personalized offer? Do you want the part of your target audience that you haven’t been able to reach yet to become your customer now?

Think about how many groups you want to separate at the offer level and how you can lead them to purchase with what message and through what channel! What will a sales route look like? It would be a shame to ruin the results of an effective email series because of an illogical landing page.

Didn’t you cut the answer to the questions in seconds?

Here are 33 Christmas online marketing tips to make sure you end the holiday season successfully this year!

Write a Christmas-themed Facebook post series related to your product. A good online marketing agency can be of great help in this, but here are some topic ideas for inspiration anyway. Useful, funny, surprising gift ideas. Share some information on how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world. The most beautiful Christmas movies and songs. Christmas events in the city. Special Christmas menu, decoration and table setting. Any of these will do, just these topics to your product.

Use a holiday design on your Facebook profile picture and cover photo! It’s very atmospheric when our favorite brand not only remembers the upcoming holiday season on its website, but also spices up its social media platforms with a nice profile picture, complementing its logo with holiday motifs. If your company’s profile is closer to elegant simplicity, snowflakes can be the perfect choice. Only imagination sets the limit: a short Advent message, fairy lights, reindeer or even Santa Claus can be included in the holiday creative.

As video content becomes increasingly popular on social media platforms, the Advent season is the perfect opportunity for you to dive into video production as well! Showcase your products in a short, even half-minute video, with informative content but dressed in a festive style.

Let Christmas spirit into your everyday communication!

The products themselves can also get a festive makeover! As a simpler solution, you can design a holiday label. Or even change the entire packaging color scheme to reflect the holiday spirit. This can be a wonderful surprise for your loyal customers, and it will look beautiful under the Christmas tree.

Engage your blog readers for the holidays! Write a post (or have your online marketing agency write it for you) about what the holiday means to you, give useful and valuable gift-buying tips, and include your product in the mix!

Start a Christmas newsletter series where you showcase your products and explain who the product or service is for.

Share your company’s more intimate, festive moments with your followers! Create a Christmas video about your company’s Christmas party, team-building training, where you wish your customers a Merry Christmas together.

Donate together with your colleagues! You can put together Santa Claus packages and gift packages that you can deliver to a hospital or children’s organization. Make a video and take photos of this for your website and social media platforms, or use it in your PR campaign.

Gift your loyal customers! Send a holiday thank you letter with a nice Christmas photo or graphic, attach a discounted coupon for loyal customers, a small Christmas tree ornament, or a piece of candy. Incorporate the Christmas spirit into your everyday communication!

Encourage your followers and customers to be active! Organize a giveaway!

Get your existing followers to participate in creating the holiday atmosphere! Ask them to upload photos, submit recipes, stories, items, music, and contribute to the community celebration! An online marketing agency can be of great help in developing such a strategy.

Organize a giveaway using an application, so you can also collect new subscribers, to whom you can later send your offers. The theme should be relevant to your product, but also related to the holiday hustle and bustle.

Surprise your subscribers and customers! Raffle a prize among your existing followers and customers. You can think of a small gesture or a bigger holiday surprise. Such as a movie ticket, theater ticket, a two-person holiday dinner, or a weekend getaway.

Make it easier for gift givers!

Create a gift buying guide on your websiteto help your customers choose the right gift. Describe who the product is recommended for, whether it’s for men or women, what age group, what interests. Describe why this gift is a good choice! Customers will be grateful for the help when they’ve run out of ideas.

Show how much others enjoyed your product! Ask your customers to send pictures of their new acquisitions.. Create your own hashtag on Instagram, encourage your customers to use it when uploading pictures, so you can see and repost the content right away. Offer a gift voucher to those who want to leave the decision to their loved ones. Does your product belong to a category where everyone can only choose the right one for themselves? Emphasize the benefits of the product, then offer your customer the opportunity to leave the final decision to the recipient.

Offer free shipping; guarantee that the order will arrive on time. As Christmas approaches, timely delivery becomes increasingly important. Reassure your customers that the gift will definitely be there in time for the tree.

Provide other favorable terms,such as the option for the recipient to exchange/return the product. You can also make your product or services special with user-friendly, customer-centric service. In a kind, helpful environment, everyone prefers to spend time, whether it’s offline or online presence.

Make your holiday offer irresistible!

Come up with exciting offers! You know your customers, so you know what they desire, what problems they are looking to solve, and what offer will be truly enticing for them during the holiday season. First, think about which of your products or services will be this year’s Christmas hit, which you will now turn into a super offer. Once you know this, think about what extras you can offer alongside it. You can choose from gifts, discounted upsells, and great shipping conditions.

Give a gift! You can decide to give an accessory, or choose one of your own products; or you can focus on the Christmas atmosphere and give a gift that is more loosely related to your product. In the latter case, choose a gift that is tailored to your target audience. While Christmas decorations and beauty products may be more popular for the female target group, offer a more practical gift for men. And if your customers are typically mixed, and it may even happen that men buy your product for women, or vice versa, then offer the option of choice.

Can you also add a discount?

Offer an accessory product at a discount! It may happen that you cannot offer your accessory product as a gift. In this case, you can offer it at a discount. It is important to make it clear that this is a special offer, as your customers will find a faster and more efficient solution to their problem through the accessory product, and they can now get it at a discount. Show how much this product usually costs, which you are now offering at a discounted price, feel free to use graphic elements to make it as noticeable as possible.

Have a price promotion! Discounted prices can be an incentive for those customers who have been eyeing your product for a while. The promotion should have a specified (short) duration: short deadlines and limited stock products create a sense of urgency in the buyer and help them make faster decisions.

Help be generous! Offer to donate a portion of the profits from Christmas orders to a noble cause.. Communicate throughout the promotion who you are donating to, introduce the organization, and explain why you chose them. At the end of the campaign, show in a blog post, newsletter, and on social media that you are donating the collected money, provide a detailed report of how much was raised, and thank your customers for their generosity. This will deepen your customers’ relationship with your brand and do some good.

Encourage Christmas shopping!

Do you have the perfect offer? Get it to your target audience!

Create animations or GIF content about your offers, whether in a slideshow format or with more complex holiday graphics. Your customers will surely love the varied visual content that will make your social media channels more colorful.

It’s important to put more emphasis on sales-related Facebook posts during the Advent season, when everyone is looking for the perfect gifts. Always show why your product will be perfect for the holidays, and feel free to use playful, creative decorative elements!

Write newsletters about your offers! Think about what email lists you have and what decision-making process each group needs to go through before making a purchase. It is certain that different communication is needed for previous buyers than those who have not yet bought. Think about how you will introduce and present the offers, and then encourage the recipients to buy directly. Write the letters in advance, and have a plan for what you will do if one of your campaigns performs worse or better than expected.

The webshop is one of the most important sales channels, so of course it cannot be left out when it comes to the holiday appearance. It is usually enough to use a few Christmas graphic elements, but individual product photos, Christmas packages can also be supplemented with Advent decorations.

Go the extra mile with your the festive period marketing

Create landing pages for your different target groups! This way, you can target your ads specifically to men looking for gifts for their wives or girlfriends. Or women looking for gifts for their children. Lead different target groups to separate landing pages, where you can tailor your message to the characteristics of the target group.

Communicate with previous customers. We cannot emphasize enough how different the treatment of those who have already committed to your product and brand is. Prepare separate content, newsletters, and advertisements for this target group. Facebook and Adwords allow us to display different ads based on their email addresses. Take advantage of this opportunity! And don’t forget that you can also target those who are already interested in your product, have already browsed your website and webshop, but have not yet made a purchase. Therefore it is worth motivating them to be more lenient with themselves during the holiday season.

Don’t forget about the holidays!

Christmas may be the peak of the holiday rush. However, there are smaller, cozy holidays (such as Halloween, St. Nicholas Day, St. Lucy’s Day, or the Advent Sundays) that you can choose to incorporate into your communication, and thus make it more colorful and varied. Prepare for these occasions with special, heartwarming content, or even create offers for these days, so you can test your system before the final rush.

There is a part of the “holidays” when sales take the lead: Black Friday (November 24, 2023) and Cyber Monday (November 27, 2023). Take advantage of these opportunities in your sales campaigns!

Follow-up – take the final steps!

Don’t neglect your customers after the Christmas season! Write a letter and ask them to evaluate your product and service! Make a good impression to become returning customers. Learn as much as possible from their feedback.

Don’t just contact your customers, but also update and optimize your customer database so that in the next campaign period, even the owners of fresh email addresses receive the most tailored message for them.

Draw conclusions! Evaluate the results of the campaigns and advertisements run on different platforms, the different lists; which channels and offers brought the expected results and which did not. If you determine what was really useful and what was not, as well as what you did well and what you did wrong, you will save yourself valuable hours for next year.

However, do remember that your online marketing agency is always under the greatest load during Christmas. No matter how creative your holiday campaign would be, it will have the greatest impact if you start planning and creating it in time. So don’t leave it to the last minute.

If you liked the collection, please share it on Facebook, send it to your friends so that we can help their Christmas campaigns with the ideas!

Stuck? No time? We are happy to help!

Looking for more ideas? You can find 8 more tips in this English article.

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