B2B marketing in the cucumber season

10 quick tips to prepare for autumn sales in summer

The summer cucumber season can be a challenge for many Hungarian B2B small businesses, as market activity declines and business opportunities fall. Everyone is on holiday, on vacation, and in this heat, of course everyone slows down a bit…

But smart entrepreneurs know that this is a great time to prepare for the autumn sales season. To that end, in this blog article, we share some summer B2B marketing tips and tasks to do during the pickle season to ensure a successful autumn, with advice from an online marketing agency.

1. Marketing strategy update

Cucumber season is the ideal time to review and update your marketing strategy. Take a look at what you’ve achieved over the past period and where changes need to be made. With the help of an online marketing agency, carry out a detailed analysis and design new campaigns that better meet the needs of your target market.

2. Content creation and updating

During the summer months, it’s finally worth taking the time to update the content on your website and blog. Create relevant, valuable content that will be useful for your autumn campaigns. For example, think of guides, case studies and infographics that can help your company’s B2B marketing line by promoting the services you offer. Feel free to use AI tools for this, as you can significantly speed up your own work.

During the summer months, it's also worth taking the time to update your website and blog content for proper B2B marketing - a marketing agency recommends.

3. Preparing newsletter campaigns

Newsletters are an effective way to strengthen existing customer relationships and increase sales. In summer, prepare newsletter campaigns that promote autumn promotions and new products and services. Use A/B tests to fine-tune your email marketing strategy and monitor the results. Importantly, now that there’s no rush, you can also take time to clean up your marketing list, which is something you should do quarterly anyway. Not sure how to get started? Contact us! As an online marketing agency, we can also help you with email automation.

4. Strengthening social media presence

Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Threads, etc.) are some of the cheapest and most effective traffic generation and brand building tools available today. Yes, in B2B marketing too. Communicate actively with your target audience on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram this summer. Use creative and interactive content such as live check-ins, polls and contests to increase engagement. If you can, create videos, as these always have a much higher reach than static content.

Social media platforms are one of the cheapest and most effective online marketing and B2B marketing tools available today.

5. SEO optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) can bring significant results in the long term. Use relevant keywords such as online marketing agency and B2B marketing agency in the content of your website and blog posts. Check and improve the technical SEO elements of your website. Pay attention to meta descriptions, tags and URL structure. This is a long run, as opposed to PPC for example, but in B2B marketing it is essential that you spend time and energy on this.

6. Optimisation of PPC campaigns

Click-based advertising (PPC), as I wrote above, can be a quick way to get leads. The reason why you shouldn’t spend much on them at this time is that our experience has shown that they perform much worse during the cucumber season than during high priority periods (winter or autumn), precisely because of slowing business. Unfortunately, this is also true for B2B marketing. But it is definitely worth paying attention to. You can do this by building your lists and target audiences, or by preparing your autumn campaigns.

In the summer, for example, you can spend less money testing (A/B tests) to see how your autumn campaigns will run with the right copy and creative. And if you want to collect specific leads now, use summer campaigns and promotions to increase click-through rates and conversions.

 This is the kind of PPC activity you should be doing for B2B marketing in the autumn.

7. Cultivating customer relationships is the foundation of good B2B marketing

Nurturing customer relationships is key to long-term success. In summer, organise face-to-face meetings, webinars or workshops where you can communicate directly with your customers. Conduct customer satisfaction surveys and use the feedback to improve your services.

8. Introduction of new tools

Technology is constantly evolving and new tools are appearing on the market that can make your marketing more effective. Marketing has never been changing so fast. Every week or so, AI tools are rewriting the rules of the past, bringing newer and newer possibilities. This summer, test new marketing automation tools, CRM systems and analytics software. A B2B marketing agency can help you choose and implement the right tools, saving you a lot of time and money.

9. Competitor analysis

Constant monitoring of competitors’ activities is essential. In the summer, take time to analyse your competitors: what campaigns they are running, what content they are sharing and what marketing tools they are using. This information will help you fine-tune your own strategy and inspire you. Be careful, though, that inspiration does not mean plagiarism.

10. Branding

Summer is a great time to build your brand. Strengthen your brand identity and position yourself in the market. Create visually appealing content, such as videos and graphics, that showcase your company’s values and services. Don’t try to sell at this time, but rather build awareness and customer trust, which you can use to generate concrete leads in the autumn and at the end of the year.


Cucumber season can be a challenging time, but with the right marketing activities you can prepare for the autumn sales season. With the help of the experts at an online marketing agency, you can effectively update your strategy, optimise your campaigns and strengthen your brand. Remember, the key to success is constant innovation and staying on top of market trends.

If you want to learn more about effective summer marketing, contact us at Chiro Marketing and we’ll help your business thrive during the cucumber season!

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